Hi! I’m Ro.
I’m a certified therapeutic intimacy coach, working with people who are experiencing a range of challenges in both emotional and sexual intimacy. At the heart of all my work is the firm belief that challenges that show up in sex and intimacy are not problems to be solved – they are clues that show you the parts of yourself that need some attention and care.
Here are some of the most common challenges people come to me to work with:
- You’re feeling drained and frustrated in your relationships, noticing that the other person is often calling the shots and you’re not really getting what you want. You might find it difficult to really say ‘no’ to your partner out of a fear of being pressured – whether that’s something you’ve experienced with them or not. You’d love to feel more confident in bringing your needs to the table.
- You’re feeling anxious a lot of the time in your relationships. It’s really difficult for you to just be with big emotions like sadness, anger, and fear without acting in ways that you regret later on. You’d love to feel more able to respond to your emotions with patience and care, and regulate yourself through challenging times with ease.
- You’re freezing up in sex, and finding it difficult (or impossible!) to ask for what you really want and say when something doesn’t feel right. You’re not able to relax, and then you tell yourself you should be able to relax… which makes it worse. You’d love to feel more embodied and free in your sexual experiences, and able to just be without feeling so much pressure.
- You’re sweeping difficult conversations under the rug when something happens that upsets you, waiting for your annoyance to fade away, and just hoping that it won’t happen again. Except it does, and the cycle repeats, and it’s starting to feel pretty draining. You’d much rather feel able to express your hurt in the moment, so that you can feel more connected to those around you.
I’m trained as a therapeutic coach in Psychosexual Somatics Therapy (PST), which is a gentle, trauma-aware method of moving through intimacy challenges – sexual, relational, or emotional. It emphasises slowing right down and finding ways to regulate your nervous system, so that we can address childhood attachment issues in a really embodied, impactful way. We find the emotional root cause underneath the challenge that’s brought you to sessions, and work at this deeper level to create changes that can ripple out in all areas of your life. I combine this with my experience of Authentic Relating, Non-Violent Communication, and Radical Honesty approaches – for super effective communication that’s direct without feeling aggressive. It’s a really awesome mix.
I’m also queer, ethically non-monogamous, sex- and kink-positive, and gender fluid. I affirm all of the diverse ways that relationships and sexuality can be consensually explored, and the many ways that gender can be felt and expressed. Above all, my mission is to support clients in slowing right down and feeling more of themselves. The connection you have with yourself is the most important thing you bring to any relationship, because this is where you can create a secure anchor for yourself from which to begin exploring intimacy with others.
Do you often find yourself feeling anxious and overwhelmed in your relationships? Endlessly thinking about all the... View More