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Worst Assumptions in Sex & Relationships - Webinar

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Assumptions can be so costly to us and our relationships. So many people and lives are ruined daily because folk have based their actions on assumptions. If only we stopped making assumptions and made sure we didn't make 'moves' and take actions based on them - our lives will be so much simpler and our relationships so much more healthy, fun, rich and passionate. If only we stopped making assumptions and made sure we didn't make 'moves' and take actions based on them - our lives will be so much simpler and our relationships so much more healthy, fun, rich and passionate. 

Maybe you assumed your partner wanted the same things as you did... Was it the assumption that you're on the same page about having kids, getting married, being in an exclusive relationship that ruined your partnership after you realised you're not...? 

Maybe you assumed that your partner will be open to some more kinky fun and you took it too far without checking in with them about their limits and boundaries? 

Maybe you assumed that it's not your responsibility to take care of the bill or the appointment making or else....? 

Whatever it is- if you've experienced how costly the ''But I thought that ....'' can be join this webinar to explore the topic of Assumptions and some of the worst ones we can make and how they harm us and our relationships with people. 

Watch this webinar and learn how to avoid making the assumptions that can cost you dearly.

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Leah Spasova

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