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Posted 01/03/2024 in Starting Your Journey

4 Tips for Writing a Good Initial Message to Professionals

4 Tips for Writing a Good Initial Message to Professionals

When reaching out to a professional, it's essential to craft an initial message that effectively communicates your needs and expectations. Here are four tips to help you write a compelling message:

  1. Introduce Yourself: Begin your message by introducing yourself and providing some relevant personal information. If you are single, mention that. If you are in a relationship, clarify whether your partner will also be involved in the sessions and journey. This helps professionals understand the context of your situation.

  2. Specify Your Challenges: Clearly state what brings you to the professional, focusing on the specific challenges or issues you are facing. While you don't need to go into great detail, provide enough information for them to understand the direction and nature of your challenges. For example, you could say, "We struggle with discussing our sex life. It's always upsetting when I try to bring up the topic, and since I stopped two years ago, our sex life has also stopped."

  3. Express Your Goals: Share what you are looking for and hoping to achieve through therapy or working with the professional. Be concise but specific about your desired outcomes. For instance, you might say, "We want to work on overcoming the shame and guilt we have around sex and build a healthy and fulfilling sex life."

  4. Ask About Next Steps: Inquire about the process for scheduling an initial consultation or appointment. Express your interest in taking the next steps and ask about their preferred method of setting up an appointment. For example, you could ask, "What is the process for scheduling an initial consultation? We are eager to explore working with you."

Remember, these tips serve as general guidelines for writing an initial message. Tailor your message to reflect your individual circumstances and needs while maintaining clarity and respect throughout.

We wish you good luck in finding the right professional for your journey!

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