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Posted 25/11/2024 in Sexless Relationships by Amy Rowan

How to be Sexually Satisfied

How to be Sexually Satisfied

Your sexual choices are the driving force behind your sexual experience.

Check out the corresponding podcast episode HERE:

What You’ll Learn

  • How the choices you make before, during, and after sex shape your sexual satisfaction.
  • How taking responsibility for your sexual decisions can empower you to make changes and improve your sex life.
  • Why making new choices can lead to sexual freedom and joy.

This post may either feel liberating or uncomfortable—but stick with me, because understanding how sexual choices shape your experiences is a game-changer.

What is a Sexual Choice?

Every choice you make before, during, and after sex plays a role in your overall sexual experience. Sexual choice isn’t just about saying “yes” or “no” to sex—it’s about the multitude of decisions that form your sexual journey. From when and how sex is initiated to how you respond in the moment, these choices directly impact how fulfilling the experience is.

Let’s break it down with a scenario you might recognize. Imagine a typical sexual encounter and the choices made throughout it. Which of these choices sound familiar to you? Identifying your choices is the first step toward creating a different, more satisfying sexual experience.

Typical Sexual Choices You Make

Women are often socialized to be passive participants in their sexual experiences. For example:

  • Your partner initiates sex (a choice).
  • You feel resentful about the timing of the sex but go along with it anyway because you don’t feel comfortable saying no (a choice).
  • You want your partner to understand your stress or busy schedule but don’t communicate it (a choice).
  • During sex, you follow your partner’s lead without expressing what you need (a choice).
  • Even if you don’t enjoy what’s happening, you fake pleasure or an orgasm to avoid tension (a choice).
  • Afterward, you feel unsatisfied and believe the experience wasn’t worth it (a choice).

These small choices pile up, creating patterns that impact your sexual satisfaction—and they can lead you into a rut that erodes your self-esteem.

Why You’re Stuck in a Sexual Rut

Every choice you make has an emotional response attached. Our brains are wired to hold onto emotions connected to past experiences, so when you make choices that don’t serve you, you’re likely to relive the negative feelings associated with them. This repeated cycle can lead to resentment, frustration, and ultimately, a lack of desire for sex. Over time, this creates a predictable pattern of not wanting sex, which can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The good news? You can break this cycle.

You Are Responsible for Your Choices

It may be tough to accept, but you are in control of your sexual experience. Many women feel conditioned to go along with their partner’s desires during sex, but it doesn’t have to be that way. You can make different choices to create a more fulfilling sexual life.

Taking responsibility for your choices doesn’t mean blaming yourself for past patterns—it means recognizing that you can make new choices, and those choices can lead to a more satisfying sex life. The truth is, once you realize you have the power to change, the tension in your relationship can ease, and the resentment can start to melt away.

Making New Sexual Choices

Making new, healthy sexual choices is simpler than it seems. The first step is believing that you’re not stuck—you have options. The behaviors you’ve been repeating may have worked for you in the past, but they’re no longer serving you. To move forward, you need to update your approach.

Let’s revisit that earlier example: “Like many women, she resents that the sex was initiated at an inconvenient time but feels trapped and can't say no.”

What new choice could you make to feel empowered instead of trapped?

Here’s how to shift your mindset:

  1. Understand What Drives This Choice Ask yourself why you say “yes” when you don’t want to. Are you trying to avoid conflict? Do you feel guilty about not having sex in a while? Are you worried your partner will withdraw love and affection if you say no? Understanding the underlying emotions will give you clarity.

  2. Gain Perspective Take a step back and view the situation from a broader perspective. If saying “yes” means compromising your desires, how will you feel afterward? Will you end up feeling resentment, or worse, disconnected from your partner? Sometimes, taking a bird’s-eye view helps you make a choice that serves both you and your partner.

  3. Compromise Where You Can Sexual satisfaction is about balance. If you’re not in the mood but don’t want to say no entirely, see if there’s a middle ground. Could you ask your partner to help set the mood with a massage or some relaxation time? Perhaps it’s about using responsive desire, where your body begins to wake up to the idea of sex once you’re engaged.

  4. Be Present in the Moment If you make an old choice that doesn’t serve you, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, try to be present with the decision. Take a deep breath and tune in to how your body feels. Focus on what’s going right instead of what’s not. When you focus on pleasure, it’s easier to make choices that enhance your experience moving forward.

Wrap Up

  • Believe that you have options—you're not stuck in old patterns.
  • Gain perspective and remove the emotional charge around your choices.
  • Compromise where needed, and always communicate your needs.
  • Be present with your choices, and shift your focus toward what feels good.

When you make new, empowered sexual choices, you open the door to a more fulfilling, satisfying sex life. You are in the driver’s seat—start taking control today.

Related video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgTXdMM813o 

Check out Dr Trina’s Sex Boot Camp Masterclass https://books.trinaread.com/SexBootCampMasterclass 

Check out Dr Trina’s Sex Boot Camp Course https://www.trinaread.com/sex-boot-camp-course 

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Check out The Sensational Sex Podcast https://sensationalsexpodcast.com/ and https://podfollow.com/the-sensational-sex-podcast/view  

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Check out Dr Trina Read’s books https://www.trinaread.com/273b685d-c1e0-42b8-9650-173c24d7667b 

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Amy Rowan

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