With me, you will get lighthearted, straight-to-the-point, and convincing copy. My scrappiness, attention to detail, and intuitive nature help me to anticipate the needs of my clients and get things done quickly and effectively. My job is to simplify your job.
As a copywriter, content creator, social worker, and creativity enthusiast, I'm driven by pleasure and curiosity. I get really stoked about reproductive rights and sexual wellness. My organizational skills and sense of optimism fuel my ability to come up with innovative strategies and solutions.
I write copy and content for abortion funds, birth justice organizations, sexual health and mental wellness blogs, porn blogs, adult content creators, sex education curriculums, and more. The best part of my job is getting to collaborate with really cool people doing important work. Pretty exciting. I specialize in helping companies connect with their audience, build trust with their clients, attract new business, and have fun while doing it.
Pretty much, I just love words. You know those people who play you a song but are like, “no, but LISTEN to the LYRICS.” That’s me. Love words. Funny, poignant, weird, jovial, funky words. So, let me write for you!
“And above all watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely of places. Those who do not believe in magic will never find it.” -Roald Dahl
Company Details
Education & Training
Sexuality Educator Certification – Sexual Health Alliance (Currently in progress)
Copywriting Course- Comprehensive Copywriting Academy (Completed October 2021)
Master's in Social Work - Southern University of New Orleans (Completed May 2021)
Birth Doula Training – Sista Midwife (Completed July 2021)
Abortion Doula Training- MAAD Co. (Completed March 2021)
Medical Advocacy and Suicide Training- NOFJC, STAR (Completed August 2020)