Sex & Relationships Therapist at
Integrated Men’s Health
Carrum, Victoria, 3197
Catherine Lyell - Medicine Woman I’ve been a Men’s Health and Porn Addiction Specialist for the last 10 years, and a Kinesiologist and Practitioner for 18 years, speaking to over 25,000 men and a client base of over 5,000 men. Now an Amazon best seller of ‘The Uncensored Threat’; a Teacher, Public Speaker, Coach, and Business Mentor, I specialise in sexual health, porn and sex addiction, mental health, trauma, relationships/dating, and sexual abuse. I work with women, men, teens, children, and couples… partners of porn addiction and ED, girls and boys who have been sexually abused, stressed out teens and children, women who feel lost and depressed, and couples who need to reconnect or separate.
My recent clientele are women who are feeling stuck, bored, unmotivated, exhausted, sad, struggling, pretending, anxious, resistant, angry, stressed, frightened, avoiding, depressed, traumatised, or in pain. And couples who need help in all areas of their relationship, especially within the parameters of intimacy and communication. I treat men of all ages, from teens to men in their 80’s, all over the world.